
Analysis of an argument template

This tag is associated with 6 posts

Analysis of Argument # 6

ESSAY QUESTION: The following appeared in a trade publication for the insurance industry:“Each generation of Americans has lived longer that the ones preceding it, as the national life expectancy has approached 80 years old in recent years. The progress of medical technology shows no sign of abating. Therefore, we can confidently predict that most children … Continue reading

Analysis of Argument # 5

ESSAY QUESTION: The following appeared in the personal finance section of a popular magazine:“The average price of an acre of land in the United States is now 50 times what it was in 1970, and nearly 200 times what it was in 1920. The nation’s population is projected to keep increasing, even as the amount … Continue reading

Analysis of Argument # 4

ESSAY QUESTION: The following appeared in a print advertisement for a dietary supplement:“According to a recent study, professional bodybuilders who used Train & Gain, a new protein supplement, over the course of three months experienced an increase in measured strength of up to 20%. Since Train & Gain is now available without prescription at all major … Continue reading

Analysis of Argument # 3

ESSAY QUESTION: The following appeared in a strategy memorandum of an investment company: “Over the past several years, investment in precious metals, such as gold and silver, has proven to be one of the most profitable investment strategies for our firm. Over the next decade, the demand for these metals is expected to be strong, largely … Continue reading

Analysis of an Argument # 2

ESSAY QUESTION: The following appeared in a proposal for a high school’s annual fundraising event: “In order to earn the most money for supplemental school programs, we will have larger and more thrilling rides at this year’s School Fair, including a ferris wheel that is twice as tall as last year’s ferris wheel.  In addition, the … Continue reading


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